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Risk managers – the case of unsung heroes

Risk managers – the case of unsung heroes

We have wondered why project risk management often does not work in practice. The theory is understood and the process of project risk management is well documented in numerous books, guides and procedures. Our observations are that the first four…

Let’s look on the bright side of life

Let’s look on the bright side of life

In 2005, Steve Jobs (former CEO of Apple) said during a speech at Stanford University “there is opportunity in every adversity”. We found this statement while carrying out some research on project risk management for PMI® way back in 2013…

One size does not fit all…

One size does not fit all…

We have been thinking about what needs to be done in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the risk management process. One observation is that organisations tend to apply exactly the same process to all their projects irrespective of…

Make it exciting not boring…

Make it exciting not boring…

Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Organisations are not insane or stupid; however, if risk workshops are ineffective why does anyone persist in running them in the same way…

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