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Reviving the ancient art of scheduling

Reviving the ancient art of scheduling

I’ve heard it said that project planning and scheduling is an art – something to be mastered and refined. If you really want to take planning and scheduling seriously a few basic rules could save you a lot of grief…

Making sense of stakeholder management

Making sense of stakeholder management

Considering and understanding stakeholders and then acting to engage them is generally agreed as being one of the most critical parts of any managed change initiative. Unless a thorough account is taken of the stakeholders in the project, there is…

Lessons learned – the classic oxymoron

Lessons learned – the classic oxymoron

There’s plenty of advice around about how Project Managers and their teams should behave, so what could we say that would add to the sum total of it? For a start, we could distil decades of lessons from project reviews…

Always look on the bright side of life

Always look on the bright side of life

The word risk will inevitably mean something potentially bad and therefore the thought that a risk management process is anything more than a process to deal with things that might harm you or your project will be a strange idea…

Put quality back in the iron triangle

Put quality back in the iron triangle

In mature project management sectors, such as IT, energy and construction, quality management seems to ‘just happen’. The project manager has people to ‘do it to the project’ so building capability to ‘do it yourself’ is never a priority. In…

Make it exciting not boring…

Make it exciting not boring…

Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Organisations are not insane or stupid; however, if risk workshops are ineffective why does anyone persist in running them in the same way…

What is wrong with this picture?

What is wrong with this picture?

I can’t remember the year, but it was when Microsoft released its first version of Project®. A friend of mine, who was an up-and-coming Project Manager, called me to say that he had this terrific software that enabled him to…

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